What is the cost for AB2260?

Contents of a AB-2260 kit What will AB-2260 cost? The cost of a single AB-2260 trauma kit is expected to be between $25-35, if no optional advanced hemostatic agent dressings are included, about $50 if they are. AB-2260 would require 6 kits per building, which would...

What is the evidence for AB 2260 – Trauma Kits?

The management of severe bleeding in injured persons before reaching hospital has changed over time. Direct pressure has been the main treatment by first aiders for years. But direct pressure can be difficult. Direct pressure is main treatment of severe bleeding...

Where can I get trained in “Stop the Bleed”?

The go to place for information and training in Stop the Bleed is at StoptheBleed.org StoptheBleed.org offers on-line training via video: https://www.stopthebleed.org/training/online-course You can also search your local area for a live Stop the Bleed course:...